Take Me Too! is devised and coordinated by Pembrokeshire Association of Community Transport Organisations (PACTO).

PACTO is a local charity which brings together, strengthens and represents the community transport sector in Pembrokeshire.  Community Transport services help people and groups who don't have access to their own transport and who don't have or can't use conventional public transport services.  

Alongside Take Me Too!, a range of Community Transport services are available in Pembrokeshire, including:

  • Social Car services, where a team of volunteers use their own cars to take people for essential journeys such as to appointments and for shopping.  The largest such scheme in Pembrokeshire is Country Cars operated by RVS.
  • Dial-a-Ride services, in Pembrokeshire’s main towns and some rural areas.
  • Accessible Cars, available with a volunteer driver or for self-drive hire.
  • Minibuses available for community group use, including wheelchair accessible minibuses and small minibuses which can be driven on an ordinary car licence.

Many of these services rely on volunteers – in particular, we are always looking for volunteer car drivers throughout Pembrokeshire.  For more information about volunteering please email:

For more information about PACTO and the other community transport services available in Pembrokeshire, please visit our website: