Take Me Too

Plan your journey

Take Me Too! matches people who need transport with someone who is going their way, and is happy to give them a lift. Together we can help connect Pembrokeshire!

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Benefits of using Take Me Too!

"Take Me Too!" makes the process of lift sharing easy and secure for you. Take a look at some of the top reasons to use our system.


Our software uses secure data from the DVLA database to authenticate drivers’ licenses. We protect your personal data at all times.

Easy to use

Our system has been designed with you in mind, meaning you can sign up as either a passenger or driver - with no registration fee - and easily match with others to lift share.

Feel Good Factor

Know that you're helping someone out, doing your bit for the environment by pooling together and making your community a better place.


Take Me Too is a great way of meeting new people and making new friends – people who share a journey are usually friendly, community-spirited people.

Sign Up

Our simple registration allows you to sign up as either a Driver or Passenger.


Once signed up you can share journeys and match with other users.


Take Me Too will provide users with a suggested amount to contribute towards the cost of each journey.

Safe Journey

Your safety is our priority. Take a look at our Safety Page for more information and common sense safety tips.


You can review completed journeys and give feedback on other users to help others.

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Take Me Too! App

Our unique "I've arrived" safety feature and an easy way to keep track of your journeys.