About Car Sharing

Take Me Too! is a new lift matching service, just for Pembrokeshire! (although we do reach over the borders a bit…). Based in Pembrokeshire and run by the Pembrokeshire community transport charity PACTO, Take Me Too! is here to help match up people who need transport with people who can give them a lift. You can use Take Me Too! for work, leisure, shopping; any reason, as long as one end of the journey is in Pembrokeshire. As a local transport charity, we offer our lift matching service free to our users thanks to funding from the National Lottery Community Fund. We do expect passengers to make a contribution towards the driver’s costs based on mileage, but we leave that up to the driver and passenger to arrange themselves. You may have seen us represented at venues and events around Pembrokeshire and our logo on websites and leaflets for all kinds of events and places round the county. 

Pembrokeshire people share lifts a lot – we give colleagues, friends and members of our extended family a lift, without even thinking about it.

However, we do know there are people who can’t get a lift when they need one, and drivers with empty seats who would appreciate company or someone to share the cost of the trip. People without access to a car often can’t get where they want or need to go to because public transport isn’t available for that journey and they can’t afford a taxi.

Take Me Too! helps people share lifts by connecting people travelling in the same direction so they can arrange to travel together and share the costs.

If you're a driver, by sharing your car you can split the cost of your journey and reduce your carbon footprint. You will also be helping someone, meeting new people from your community who might share the same interests as you and, who knows, you might make new friends along the way.

Sharing a car:

  • Reduces the costs of travelling
  • Helps people get places they couldn’t get to any other way
  • Undercuts the cost of nearly all forms of motorised transport
  • Cuts congestion and pollution
  • Reduces parking problems
  • Helps people get to the things you care about – family, the pub or that really great band or film.
  • Is a great way of networking and making new friends

The Public Passenger Vehicle Act (1981 Section 1(4)) outlines the rules that govern car sharing. Take Me Too! calculates a suggested price per passenger for each journey (though you can agree a lower figure between you – that’s up to you). The suggested price is based on the mileage of your journey and the government-set maximum rates.

The Association of British Insurers clearly states that car sharing won't affect the insurance of their members so long as a profit isn't made: "All ABI motor insurers have agreed that if your passengers contribute towards your running costs your insurance cover will not be affected, as long as lifts are given in a vehicle seating eight passengers or less”. (Source: ABI 2012)

Over 300 insurance providers are members of the ABI, accounting for about 95% of the motor insurance market in the UK. Drivers with any concerns, however, should check with their own insurance company, as terms and conditions may vary between insurance providers over time.

Using Take Me Too!

The service is available to anyone aged 18 or over.  Commuters, students, football supporters, festival-goers, lunch club members - anyone! Take Me Too! matches people who need transport with someone who is going their way, and is happy to give them a lift.   Let’s work together to connect Pembrokeshire! 

Joining Take Me Too! is simple and completely FREE. All you have to do is sign up. This is easiest online, but if you aren’t online, don’t panic – call us and we can do that for you over the ‘phone. If someone else is registering for you but you won’t be using the computer for journey requests, etc. that’s no problem – you can select ‘phone call’ as your preferred method of communication, and we’ll call you rather than texting / emailing you from then on.

If you’re a driver, once you have signed up with Take Me Too!, you don’t need to do anything until we contact you with a journey request (by SMS text message, email or a ‘phone call – your choice).  If you can help, please message us back and we’ll put you in touch with the person who needs a lift.  If you can’t help this time, just ignore the message, and if you have any questions, just ask.

If you would like to request a journey, you can do this at any time once you have signed up. Journey requests can be to anywhere, at any time, and for any reason, as long as they start or end in Pembrokeshire.  We will send the request out to all the drivers who we think may be able to help.  If they are going that way, and are happy to help, they simply respond to our message and we’ll put them in touch with you. 

While we are growing the project there may not always be a match for every journey request, but the more people sign up, the better your chances!  If we can’t find a match for you, we will see if there might be other transport options for your journey, such as public or community transport, and let you know if we find something that could help.

No, you can sign-up to Take Me Too! as a driver or a passenger.  All registered users, including drivers, can post journey requests. 

You can use Take Me Too! as a driver, passenger or sometimes one and sometimes the other – it’s all fine with us. 

If you have extra needs or are likely to need help or support from the driver when you travel, please make this clear in your journey request.   You do not need to disclose any information if it is unlikely to affect the driver or your journey. 

We will try to find a driver who is able to help you.  We ask all drivers when they sign up if they have any experience in helping people with extra needs, such as visual impairments, hearing loss, dementia, learning difficulties or autism.  We also ask whether they are willing to carry mobility aids such as walking frames or folded wheelchairs in their car.   Please note that we would NEVER expect any driver to carry out personal care, and anyone using a wheelchair or mobility aid must be able to transfer in and our of the car without the driver’s assistance.

If you prefer, you are welcome to bring someone with you to help you during the journey – don’t forget to make this clear on your journey request, to ensure there are enough spare seats in the car!

If you would like to discuss any specific needs with the Take Me Too! team before you sign up, please contact us.  We’d also be happy to talk to you about other community transport services which might be able to help.

Please note that Take Me Too! drivers are not subject to DBS checks.

We have a very limited number of drivers with wheelchair accessible vehicles registered with Take Me Too!  We are happy to take your journey request, but it may not always be possible to find someone who is able to offer you a lift in a suitable vehicle. 

Did you know that Pembrokeshire’s community transport operators have a number of wheelchair accessible cars which are available for hire, or with a volunteer driver as part of the Pembrokeshire Country Cars scheme?  For more information about these services, please contact us.  

We strongly recommend that passengers travelling in their wheelchair have a wheelchair passport before travelling through Take Me Too! Wheelchair passports are free and ensure that their chair is safe to travel in in this way (crash tested) and the passport also has the combined weight of the passenger and wheelchair and photos of how to secure it. Click here for more information. http://www.pacto.org.uk/downloads/Wheelchair_Passport_Flyer.pdf

Take Me Too! calculates a suggested contribution per passenger for your journey based on the length of your trip and using HM Revenue and Customs Approved Mileage Payment Allowance. The suggested amount makes sure costs can be covered but nobody is making a profit – if you make a profit on a journey, your car insurance is likely to be invalidated.

The suggested amount is calculated at 25p per mile for the mileage that you share, and 45p per mile for any additional mileage if the driver has to go out of their way to pick up or drop off their passenger. 

Both the driver and passenger can see the suggested rate, so everyone knows where they stand. Of course, you may wish to agree a swap instead – a home-made cupcake or some home-grown veg in exchange for a lift, maybe?

We expect everyone who joins Take Me Too! to follow a few basic rules. We will ask you to agree to these rules when you first sign-up:

  • Be respectful of your driver / passenger. As the passenger - and certainly as the driver(!) - don't spend the whole journey on your phone, it can be distracting to your driver as well as appearing unfriendly.
  • Be polite and friendly. You aren’t going to agree with everyone on everything, but this is a lift, and most of us can agree to differ for a journey.
  • Be reliable. Meet where and when you agree to – if you absolutely can’t make it, or if you are going to be delayed, let the other person know as soon as you can.
  • Check your driver/passenger doesn't mind before you eat or drink in the car. This is especially important for passengers – you’re in someone else’s car, and they keep it clean (hopefully)!
  • Don't assume that everyone loves heavy metal or classical music. If there is music / a radio on, check you’re both ok with it for the length of the journey.
  • Drivers, please keep the car acceptably clean, drive safely and considerately, be friendly and polite and let the passenger know any unusual ground rules before agreeing a lift!
  • Passengers, please ask before adjusting any of the car’s controls, including temperature and volume, check before you smoke / vape, eat or drink and offer to pay before you have to be asked!
  • Be aware that if there is a dashcam in the car, it may be recording sounds inside the vehicle, such as your conversations, as well as a view of the road ahead.

You will be offered the chance to give feedback about your driver / passenger after every journey. If you have any serious concerns about another user please contact us straight away.

We want everyone possible to be able to use the system, so please let us know if you think we might be able to help – we’ll be as flexible as we can!

The relevant page on this website might help, send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can, or call us during our office hours.

The office is usually staffed Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 16:00 except for Bank Holidays and between Christmas and New Year. At the weekend, we monitor the system and will respond to urgent issues only regarding journeys taking place over the weekend.

Click here for Contact Details.

Take Me Too! is looking at the possibility of helping more vulnerable people to share lifts.  We know that many more vulnerable people in Pembrokeshire really struggle with transport.  We may also extend at some point to unaccompanied children.

It is likely that this type of lift would require additional checks, such as DBS checks, and extra training.

If you or someone you know has a particular transport need we aren’t currently able to meet, please contact us, and we’ll look at how we may be able to help.

Finding a match and making contact

Journey requests can be to anywhere, at any time, and for any reason, as long as they start or end in Pembrokeshire.

Login to Take Me Too! and click to add a journey request. 

We will message anyone who we think may be able to help. This is likely to include anyone registered with us in the area you’re starting your journey from, or somewhere you will pass through / whose journey may pass through where you are or people we know also regularly goes to the place you want to get to.

Hopefully someone will be able to help, and they will contact us to offer a lift. Then we’ll be able to connect you (if you’re both happy at that point) so you can iron out the details together.

While we are growing the project there may not always be a match for every journey request, but the more people sign up, the better your chances!  If we can’t find a match for you, we will see if there might be other transport options for your journey, such as public or community transport, and let you know if we find something that could help.

Yes, you can go wherever you like providing that your journey starts or ends in Pembrokeshire.  For example, you might wish to travel to a match or a show in Cardiff, and use Take Me Too! to see if someone else from Pembrokeshire is going there too.

In the future, we consider expanding Take Me Too! to other parts of Wales, the UK, the world!  If you think Take Me Too! might be a good transport solution for your area, please Contact Us.

Once you have requested a lift, we will message out to any potential matches and let you know if anyone (or lots of people) offer to help. If you both agree we will put you in touch with each other and you may wish to make arrangements for the journey together.  If you prefer not to at that point (or with that person) that’s fine, just don’t take up the lift with that person.

You can do all of this by email, SMS text or ‘phone when the office is open.

When someone requests a lift we will send a message out to all the drivers that we think may be able to help. If you are able to help, please respond by SMS message, email or call us back (any way is fine, but if you prefer to call us, do bear in mind our office hours). We’ll put you in touch and off you go!

If you can’t help, just ignore / delete the request. If you’re not sure, wait until you know and then get back to us, if you find you can help.

All messages about journey requests or offers will contain a link to the other person’s profile. 

You can view the passenger's / driver’s profiles before you decide to share with them.

You will be asked to create your profile when you first register with Take Me Too! and can update it at any time.

The more you feel able to share (and a happy, smiley photo works wonders) the easier it will be for people to feel a connection and agree to share a lift.

You can edit your journey – follow the instructions on the screen – but please be aware any changes will cause a new message to be sent out to potential drivers / passengers – if you make several changes, you may irritate them, and this won’t help you find a lift! We all understand circumstances change, but please be aware you are generating messages when you change a journey request.

If someone has already agreed to share that journey, you should contact them directly to discus and agree any changes with them.

You can remove your journey – just follow the directions on screen and let us know if you’re stuck!

If someone has already agreed to share that journey, you should contact them directly to let them know.  

Personal Security

The safety of our members is a priority for Take Me Too! – we all understand the need to be and feel safe when we’re out and about.

Please see our Safety page for more information and some useful personal security tips.

Take Me Too! highly recommends that you meet at a public place when getting / giving a lift with someone you haven’t met before. 

Plan to meet somewhere which is easy for the driver to get to and find: Outside a shop, café or pub or at a bus stop are good options, if there is one near you.

It may be best to avoid meeting somewhere that is difficult to get a car to or out of, for example a narrow lane or track, or somewhere that is likely to be very congested – the middle of Tenby in the Summer is best avoided if you can!

Wherever you agree to meet, make sure both of you are clear on the exact location, using land-marks if that helps. We advise members not to meet at their homes for security reasons.

No, your address, ‘phone number and email address will be hidden at all times. The only information that is visible to other members is your user name, the journeys you have requested / offered and your photo and profile information if you have added them.

You can choose what contact information you share with a travelling partner and we will only pass these details on once you have confirmed a lift with that person.

When a driver joins the scheme we check their driving licence.  We only accept drivers who have a full valid driving licence and less than 6 penalty points for minor motoring offences. 

We also check that their car is taxed and has a valid MOT, when they first register for Take Me Too! and annually thereafter.

However, for your own peace of mind, we recommend that you ask the driver for the Vehicle Registration Number and Vehicle Make and Model and then check the details on https://www.vehicleenquiry.service.gov.uk/

We invite all passengers to rate their driver after every journey.  You can check the feedback we have received about a driver on their Take Me Too! profile page.

If we receive a complaint about a driver or a passenger, we will suspend them from Take Me Too! while we investigate. 

You must be 18 years old or over to sign-up to Take Me Too! and access our services. Children under 18 may travel if accompanied by a registered Take Me Too! member. This member is usually responsible for providing and fitting car seats, if required, although some drivers are willing to let you use their child car seats.  Don’t forget to add this information to the journey request so the driver is aware.

Take Me Too! App

No, you need to register through the website first. After that, you can download the app.

The Take Me Too! app is available free for Android and iOS devices; it's not currently available for Windows phones.

You can also use the app to check the details of any journey you have requested, agreed or completed, and take advantage of the “I’ve Arrived” safety feature.

You might find the app is the easiest way to request / offer / agree lifts.

Take Me Too! can help with your personal safety by offering the ‘I’ve Arrived’ feature, which, should you choose to use it on a particular journey, will prompt you when you should be arriving (based on estimated time of travel) at your destination, and ask you to confirm that you have arrived safely. If your journey is delayed (by traffic, for example) you can ‘snooze’ the app, and it will ask you again a bit later. If you do not confirm your safe arrival, the app will notify your chosen contact that you have not arrived at your destination as expected.